Clients and Projects (7)

At Mobility Labs, we encourage open-source development for many of our social impact projects and work with open-source tools for the best solutions. As part of this work, we regularly hear why partners are uncomfortable with the idea. We want to dispel some common open-source myths that we’ve heard. Let’s first outline what we mean […]

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As a kid, I always wondered why so many games didn’t have interesting girl characters. I grew up in the era of Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Zelda, and an assortment of first-person shooter games starring tough white guys. You know the situation’s not great when Princess Peach is the closest you get to […]

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A critical component of our web content strategy has been our social media outreach. For the past several months we have been very lucky to have Kathleen Taggart managing our social media, but now she is moving on to full-time position elsewhere. Sean Perkins, owner of Mobility Labs, describes her contribution this way: When Mobility […]

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There are a lot of bad habits that creep upon me when I don’t pay attention. I start staying up late, eating crap food, and let clutter pile up around me. Professionally, I’ve noticed that we all often fall back on building for ourselves. I don’t know anyone in the field who hasn’t studied, talked […]

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2013 was a big year for Mobility Labs. We grew significantly and took on much bigger and more challenging projects. There were also several major technology stories last year; some of them have permanently changed the technology landscape, others merely predict major changes to come. Here are our picks for the top four Mobility Labs […]

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If you watch closely when you go to today’s Google Doodle (12/9/2013), you’ll notice a moth fly out of the huge computer. This is a reference to what some believe to be the first use of the term “bug” to describe a problem with computer code. The Google Doodle celebrates the 107th birthday of Grace […]

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It’s not secret that some technology people are not treated very well. Clients often expect top quality work at rock-bottom prices, and many companies try to push their teams through crisis after crisis, destroying work/life and providing little reward. Small companies that call themselves “start-ups” often justify this behavior by claiming the workers are building […]

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